2 New Board Members Elected to US Hemp Building Association

By US Hemp Building Association

Members of the US Hemp Building Association voted this week to elect two new board members, bringing the total number to nine.

Ingrid Fay of Chicago and Cody Ley of Jones, MI were the top vote-getters in a 9-candidate race.

Fay serves as the operations manager of Texas Healthy Homes, a hempcrete and natural homes building company. Ley is the founder of the nonprofit Hemp 4 Humanity and has served as a USHBA Regional Leader.

Volunteer board members work to advance the hemp building industry in the United States with advocacy, education and events. Board members survey and follow the direction of membership. The special election was held in order to stagger terms of the board members and provide for institutional memory and consistency going forward.

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Board members will serve 2-year terms. New board members will be sworn in at the board’s March 13 online meeting.

The US Hemp Building Association’s mission is to support and advocate for hemp building professionals, projects, and materials in the United States. We seek to facilitate the establishment, and stabilization of a thriving American hemp building Industry.

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Offered as part of a special partnership between USHBA and HempBuildMag. HempBuildMag receives a commission through this arrangement.

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Help Wanted:


Green Builders

Hemp Building Research and Training

Hemp Hurd (shivs)/Hemp Fiber/ Hemp Microfiber

Hempcrete installers/Insulation subcontractors

Lime Binder

Hemp Batt Insulation/Supplies

Hemp Wall Panel Products

Hemp Blocks

Financial Services:

Professional Associations